Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A New year! 2016

A new year is approaching and I have no idea what my plans are. I know i'm only working until 6 because that's the time my job closes for that day. I might go out with a friend of mine that I haven't seen in a while. I honestly I have no idea. for the most part I don't even want to go out to bars anymore, because for one it's always the same. and always expensive. I rather be home with a good bottle of wine and an awesome movie.

So far, I've been working a lot lately. and also still messing up on things. and still not knowing everything that I should probably be knowing by now. also, I had to tape my name tag to my shirt today because, i lost the back of it some how idk where it went. but, for the most part I like it. although they need to hire more people because the place is so short staff. so idk whatever. just it feels i'm working in a place where i don't know much of anything still. and i feel kind of stupid sometimes, i don't mean to put myself down but my memory is terrible also, I am terrible with communicating with people, I get nervous around a lot of people. and this is the first place I have ever worked at that was huge. it's a bowling ally and no I don't no anything about bowling lol
but, I don't think that was required when I got hired which I didn't think was going to be hard. and kind of is. i've been there for 3 months just about and I don't know half of anything. I know how to ring in food orders and put people on a lane. just the other day this guy was about to take my head off because i didn't know he was on a league or whatever and he is meant to pay only $3

i'm getting the hang of how birthday parties work.
how the register works....kind of.
where the shoes go. yeah... lol
food orders pretty much

anyway, i'm talking about it like it's all so serious but, I have a vibe i'm going to get fired from there idk why. every job i've ever had I always either quit or got fired from. and this is the first job that i actually liked. every manager i had they where so terrible towards me. and it'll just be me.
like when i was working at dollar tree. omg he was such a dick come to find out he doesn't even work there anymore. I got fired from there because, I messed up on a $40 dollar transaction and basically let people walk out with $40 worth of items which I thought was bullshit because they got a receipt
so, idk how that was even possible. some places just want to find a reason to get rid of someone. and well, that place did and it was me. also, i remember it was my sisters wedding and he wouldn't even let me take off for that day even when i put in almost 2 months notice. yea, my sisters wedding he wouldn't even let me take the day off because i called out like a few weeks prior because I was actually really sick and some girl that worked there went back to the manager and told him that she saw me around town, like some stalking type shit. it was weird working there so i'm glad i don't work there anymore. haven't in like 3 years and everyone i worked with that was there aren't even there anymore.

this place i like because i see a lot of people i know there which is awesome.
I like where i am now. just hope i don't get fired, i'm already losing my name tag by the day first my name got ripped off then i thought i lost the entire thing now the back is missing and i had to tape it together.

well, in any event in 2 days it's going to be a new year. and a new year means new things and who knows what another year will bring. hopefully i'm still there. lol