Thursday, January 21, 2016

Winter storm?

So, I'm hearing there is a winter storm coming this way in NY over the weekend? I've heard from different people that no one exactly knows how much snow we'll be getting. someone said a foot of snow then I heard someone say that we're only going to be getting about 1 inch of snow.
honestly, I wouldn't even mind a snow storm at all.

I think it'll be great. we haven't got snow much at all for the past couple of years and also, it's January! it's time for some snow!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Adult coloring books?

So, the new thing is Adult coloring books. I actually might get one. although, I was never the type of kid to draw within the lines I was terrible at drawing when I was a kid. but, I am interested in seeing what these adult coloring books may look like. I already was online looking at some, and they look pretty amazing. with very unique designs I have to get one.
I didn't color this one, but this is what some adult coloring books may have in some of them
 and I want one! :D

So, this week has been going by pretty good. I was meant to go to DCC this week, but, I am going sometime next week going back and taking morning classes. 

Monday, January 11, 2016

Early Tuesday mornings

It's just about 2:30 am, and I'm still awake. I've been thinking about a lot of things in my life. and i'm simply just not happy. i'm going on 29 year's old. no ring on my finger and no kids. everyone I know is either getting married or having children. or in some sort of a relationship. how come i'm not?
is there anyone out there for me? or did I already push him away and i'm on his facebook blocked list? lmao

idk....but, at the good side, I feel happy. I'm still young and still striving for life. don't want to be tied down just yet or having someone being always asking me if i'm ok. I still have life in me and I still love going out and not having to worry about things. except for work....which honestly, I've been there for 3 months almost and I don't think i'm going to be getting fired anytime soon. they haven't hired really anyone else since i've started. nope just been working my ass off. but, honestly, I like it. and well....i'm kind of attractive to this guy. hopefully he will never come across this page. but, yea...I make it so he doesn't notice that I think he's cute. lol

I feel like i'm 16 years old again. lol

Thursday, January 7, 2016

First sickness of the new year.

Well, I am sick. and the worst part is, it seems to last forever and it's not even getting any better at all. I went to work yesterday, which in my favor went by pretty rather fast then usual. just sucked because the damn bartender guy blocked my way of serving food to people so I had to go all away around so that kind of sucked. But, I understood why he did it. wouldn't be good while he was whipping up drinks that I walked into him with food and well..that would be a disaster. I honestly don't know how the bar is going to look like when it's done but, I think it's going to be rather bigger and rather probably awesome when everything is done. hopefully by this summer.

Tomorrow i'm off so, i'm going to have to run up to my job to get my pay check because I'm broke right now, I have to buy a Futon because my mattress is in such bad shape it just needs to go. I've had it for nearly 10 years and it just needs to get out. lol

I barely have any hours this week and the week after so, this pay check I get I hope it's enough to get me by for the next 2 weeks. I even might look for a 2nd job in the mean time. i'm not the kind of person to work 2 or even 3 jobs but, I need money and getting paid every two weeks seems to take forever. it really goes by like as if it's a decade. i'm so dramatic I know. so, i'm hoping to find a futon for maybe even $100 or even $150. not less than that. I saw one on so I was hoping to maybe find it in stores but, I couldn't find it anywhere in the store. and I hate to have to order it online because shipping I know will be expensive. probably be more than what i'll actually have to pay for the futon it self. but, At this point I really don't care because I need to get rid of this mattress I have it's been through a lot over the past 10 years and it just needs to go. out the door out of my life lol

Monday, January 4, 2016


It's already January 4th. and it has been already flying by. I am honestly looking forward to spring this year. it's my 2nd favorite season. my first is Fall, but it never lasts long. this one didn't it went by super fast. the holidays are over and well, it just went by to fast. that's all I have to say. once the holidays are over thing's usually go by pretty fast. so far we haven't got any snow this season. we got some, but i'm honestly looking for a big snow storm before the winter is over with.

Anyway, I was hoping to make it to my friends baby shower on the 9th but, I wont be able to go due to the fact I have to work that day. so, that sucks. i'm going to find away to bring them out to her soon. for the most part it's been super crazy at work the past couple of weeks. I honestly can't wait until their done with all the repairing there its getting annoying with all the changes and what know. now they're going to have fucking tv's at the counter on the walls and honestly, i'm going to be worried about them falling on someone more than anything. when I applied there back in September, I really thought it was just a bowling ally. but, nope they're putting all this new shit in an arcade, Laser tag and apparently a race track in the parking lot and some kind of weird rope climbing. honestly, It's going to be like a day care center and i'm probably not going to stay there. i'm going to look for something else after winter is over to be completely honest. they haven't even hired any new people there since I started. and it's kind of ridiculous. I worked 10 hours one day and was only givin a 30 minute break. by the time my shift was over I felt so dizzy and just plain sick I literally threw up when I got home because of the running around I was doing. it was really exhausting to say the least.
I am in need to buy a new bed when I get paid this week so that's on my to do list. and more make up since I lost all mine on New years eve some how. I don't know what happened to any of it. All I write about is negativity, so on my 2016 goal i'm going to make things more positive.

besides, I was in need of new make up anyways. lol

Friday, January 1, 2016

New years day! 2016

Happy new years! Last night I went out with a friend of mine. it was a great time. except I lost my new earrings and some how all the make up I brought with me apparently vanished. including my lip gloss my face powder my mascara and my expensive eye liner that was $16. and my house keys....
oh, and I got knocked over by a bouncer that was trying to break up a fight.

Honestly, I rather have had just stayed home. i'm never going to go out on new years eve. I wasn't going to but, I didn't want to just sit home either. i'm probably more mad about my earrings than anything because i literally just bought them I mean I have one but the other one is simply just gone. it probably fell out when I got knocked over by that asshole that worked there.
for the most part I can just replace my make up. but, those earrings where so nice they were 18k earrings and one is missing. and i'm depressed. good news is, I found the same pair online so i'm going to order them. :)