Thursday, January 7, 2016

First sickness of the new year.

Well, I am sick. and the worst part is, it seems to last forever and it's not even getting any better at all. I went to work yesterday, which in my favor went by pretty rather fast then usual. just sucked because the damn bartender guy blocked my way of serving food to people so I had to go all away around so that kind of sucked. But, I understood why he did it. wouldn't be good while he was whipping up drinks that I walked into him with food and well..that would be a disaster. I honestly don't know how the bar is going to look like when it's done but, I think it's going to be rather bigger and rather probably awesome when everything is done. hopefully by this summer.

Tomorrow i'm off so, i'm going to have to run up to my job to get my pay check because I'm broke right now, I have to buy a Futon because my mattress is in such bad shape it just needs to go. I've had it for nearly 10 years and it just needs to get out. lol

I barely have any hours this week and the week after so, this pay check I get I hope it's enough to get me by for the next 2 weeks. I even might look for a 2nd job in the mean time. i'm not the kind of person to work 2 or even 3 jobs but, I need money and getting paid every two weeks seems to take forever. it really goes by like as if it's a decade. i'm so dramatic I know. so, i'm hoping to find a futon for maybe even $100 or even $150. not less than that. I saw one on so I was hoping to maybe find it in stores but, I couldn't find it anywhere in the store. and I hate to have to order it online because shipping I know will be expensive. probably be more than what i'll actually have to pay for the futon it self. but, At this point I really don't care because I need to get rid of this mattress I have it's been through a lot over the past 10 years and it just needs to go. out the door out of my life lol

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